Pile Load Testing

We offer Client's Pile load Testing Facility. A Pile Load Test is a procedure that applies a load to a pile to determine its load-carrying capacity and integrity. The test results help ensure the safe use of piles and detect any issues.

Types of Pile Load Tests

1. Static Load Test (SLT)
- Measures the pile's response under gradually applied load.
- Provides accurate load-settlement data.
- Compression Test (Axial load applied downward)
- Tension Test (Axial load applied upward)
- Lateral Load Test (Load applied horizontally)

2. Dynamic Load Test (DLT)
- Uses a falling weight to apply force on the pile.
- Measures the pile's resistance using sensors and wave analysis.
- Faster and more economical than static load testing.

3. Pile Integrity Test (PIT)
- Non-destructive testing to check for defects such as cracks, voids, or discontinuities.
- Low-strain impact testing
- Cross-hole sonic logging (CSL)

4. Osterberg Cell (O-Cell) Test
- A special type of static test where a hydraulic jack embedded within the pile applies an internal force.
- Eliminates the need for external reaction piles or heavy kentledge.

Test Procedure

1. Pile Installation: The test pile is installed as per project specifications.
2. Instrumentation Setup: Load cells, strain gauges, and settlement measurement devices are installed.
3. Load Application: Load is applied in increments and held for a specified duration.
4. Data Collection: Load-settlement readings are recorded.
5. Analysis & Reporting: Results are analyzed to determine pile capacity and performance.

Key Parameters Measured

1. Ultimate load capacity
2. Settlement characteristics
3. Load-transfer mechanism
4. Structural integrity

Standards & Guidelines

1. ASTM D1143/D1143M: Standard Test Methods for Deep Foundation Elements under Static Axial Compressive Load.
2. ASTM D4945: Standard Test Method for High-Strain Dynamic Testing of Piles.
3. IS 2911 (Part IV): Indian standard for pile load testing.