FWD (Falling weight Deflectometer Test)

A Falling Weight Deflectometer is used to measure the vertical deflection of a pavement surface to the application of a controlled impulse load. This deflection response is measured and analyzed by multiple gerphones. Collected informaton is used to delemine surface material strength, bearing capacity, layer thickness and E modulii of a layered pavement system. PAVEFLECT FWD's come with an impulse load range of 130 kN which can be increased to 250 kn for high capacity models and up to 9 geophones. These easy to operate fully automatic FWD's come with a one key operation that allows the task to be completed by one person at speeds of up 20 seconds per point there by making them fast. The entire loding mechanism is mounted on a sturdy trailer. The system software runs on a laptop with wireless data transfer and automatically records load and deflection values along with GPS and temperature data for each test point.


  • Compact lightweight construction
  • Foldable trailer - easy transport.
  • Any vehicle can be used for working
  • User friendly software and calibration
  • Operation through standard laptop with USB
  • Excellent profitability - price/performance ratio
  • Exceeds ASTM D4694-96 ( Reapproved 2003 )
  • Integrated webcam for precise placement of loading plate
  • Possibility to change from FWD to HWD to SHWD in minutes .
  • Fastest FWD due direct drive of hydraulics without any electrical interfaces
  • Fastest FWD due direct drive of hydraulics any electrical interfaces
  • Cylindrical shape of the falling weight concentrates force batter to loading plate


PAVEFLECT can be towed by any standard vehicle and operated by a standard laptop through a single USB cable. it works on a hydraulic system for lifting and dropping the weight on board generator provides power for the hydraulic system and a small battery for remote operation of the generator. Due to hydraulic operation testing time is reduced to less than 20 seconds per point. Its fully automated testing is performed remotely from within the towing vehicle. A control panel is also provided for manual operation/working of the system

PAVEFLECT loading System consists of loading plate 300 or 450 mm diameter buffers for transfer for load energy, loading mass, load cell, 9 geophones placed on movable measuring beam at distances 0-300-450-600-900-1200-1500-1800-2100 mm or other. Drop height can be adjusted from the software without any mechanical change to change the test load. By adding additional weights FWD cab be easily converted to HWD without any other modification. Automated hydraulic locks prevent spontaneous movement of loading parts.



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